FREE Food Box Distribution this Saturday – February 27th!
All are welcome! FREE Food Box Distribution this Saturday – February 27th! 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the John R. Grubb YMCA 1611 College Avenue, Des Moines Anyone in need is invited to pick up a box of …
How to Select Virtual or In-Person Learning at DMPS
Great News for Meal Pick-Up!
Great news! Things have gotten easier for Edmunds parents who want to get meals: Moulton Elementary is now a virtual meal pick up site. And parents are no longer required to call ahead for an order – or …
Is it Time for Lunch!?
Here is some important information on how families can receive meals! HYBRID STUDENTS: Hybrid students will automatically receive meals at the end of most days at school. You do not need to do anything to start this process. Guidelines …
Take Care this Holiday Break!
We know that everyone is excited for the holiday break! The safest way to celebrate winter holidays is at home with the people who live with you. If you do plan to travel or gather with others this holiday week, please take …
Great Holiday News For Edmunds Families!
Here’s some holiday break fun news! Edmunds Elementary students can participate in a Winter Literacy Challenge over the winter break! Winter Literacy Activity bags include a book, hot cocoa, and a winter reading challenge sheet, consisting of ten challenges for students! …
A big thank you to Lyn Jenkins, the Community Health 5210 Coordinator for donating water bottles to our students this last month! Since the drinking fountains in the school are disabled, as part of the districts Covid precautions, …
The first week of school and online classes was a great accomplishment! Students and teachers were plugged in to success for the start of the year, working to establish positive relationships and virtual learning routines. Students jumped right …
Kindergarten Roundup A Success! Today 1st-5th grades get their Learning Kits!
Kindergarten roundup at Edmunds yesterday included assessments, handing out backpacks full of learning materials for the start of classes, including their computer, and of course kiddies and parents meeting their teachers! Today Edmunds is handing out Learning Kit/Technology …