IELC: Intensive English Language Center
Edmunds Elementary is also the home to the Intensive English Language Center (IELC) for Des Moines Public Schools. The IELC is a program for children who are new to Des Moines and who have limited to no English language skills. IELC classes are a place where English Language Learners can learn early literacy and math skills as well as getting assimilated to an American school. The IELC students are generally a part of the IELC class for 12-18 weeks before they move on to their home schools. The IELC has children from many countries such as Myanmar, Syria, Eritrea, Mexico, Iraq, Nepal and others. In Ms. Conradiās 4th/5th IELC class, the students are currently studying animals. They have been learning about different characteristics of animals such as beaks, fangs, stripes, etc. so that they can learn to describe animals using English. The children learned how to sort the animals into different animal groups and then cut out pictures from magazines and created a large mural that is displayed outside the classroom. They will also be learning about animal habitats and the food chain.