Morning Meetings at Edmunds

Every school day at Edmunds Elementary the busses unload, parents drop off their kids and neighborhood students walk to school, greeted by Dean of Students Jody Kerchal and Edmunds staff members. The students file into the gym for Morning Meeting and sit by their classroom designation. Morning Meeting is an integral part of the day’s launch. Principal Jaynette Rittman greets the students and shares the communities successes and challenges, reviews school strategies and goals, and affords students an opportunity to reflect on the previous day’s work.

By encouraging student success with positive messages, Morning Meeting is more than school announcements and sharing school mottos. Principal Rittman challenges the students to make good choices and embrace the affirmative learning environment encouraged at Edmunds. The students are coached on handling interpersonal challenges and focusing on what “good learning looks and sounds like.” The students are then released by class to the Cafeteria to get their breakfast; they’re off to their classrooms where they are greeted by their homeroom teachers and eat their breakfast. The students are then ready for their day of learning!

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